Awareness program against gender based violence Date : 23-01-2025 Location : GDC Kalakote The redressalcommittee of GDC Kalakote conducted an activity for sensitization of youthagainst gender-based violence aspart of national campaign today on January 23,2025 by organizing awareness lectures. The program was conducted under the patronageof worthy Principal, Prof. Mohd Farooq Mirza. Principal of the college motivated andencouraged the students to participate in such activities and also impressedthat students should imbibe these concepts in their practical life and alsodisseminate the information to the society. Mrs. Sapna Devi and Dr Basharatalso discussed various issues regarding this that happened in our society. Thewhole proceeding of the event was conducted by Dr. Mohd Ali shahbaz Mirza. The event ended with the concluding noteof Prof. Davinder Singh, Department of Hindi who enlightened students about therelevance of this day.